The Little House On The Prairie That Offers The Slogan “Yes We Can”

The famous Ugland House is reported to be the home, or mailbox if you prefer, of almost 19,000 international businesses, nearly half of them from the United States.

In the Cayman Islands, some of the world’s largest corporations channel trillions of dollars, making the area one of the world’s largest tax havens. However, it faces some stiff competition these days.

Now there are such hiding places in the United States that provide a haven for the same types of racketeering.

One of the Ugland House’s sister networks of America is located at 2710 Thomes Avenue, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The company is called — Wyoming Corporate Services. A Special Report from Reuters calls this special house in Wyoming a place where “shell” companies can hide their assets. Just like they do at the Ugland House in the Caymans.

This Little House On The Prairie could be harboring a shady cast of complex network friends such as a former prime minister of Ukraine, who may be sheltering valuable real estate assets. The report claims that Wyoming Corporate Services currently lists more than 700 shelf companies for sale in 37 states. Business is good.

One special client at the “Little House” sold knock-off truck parts to the U.S. Department of Defense. Well, actually there were two companies involved in shady dealings, one of them under investigation for wire fraud.

Other clients that seek shelter are involved in: bogus subprime credit card scams, online gambling rings, online drug dealing, telemarketing scams, and money laundering.

If you’re involved with such illegal activities and the climate in Wyoming doesn’t suit you, you could opt to locate in Delaware or Nevada, the other two safe havens for hiding company assets. No regulation. No problem.

In fact, if you’re wanting to play shelter company monopoly you can rest at ease. There are only three states that have hardly any regulations at all — Alaska, Arizona and Montana. So you might just skip around these anti-business friendly islands of politics.

But feel free to roam the prairie land in the state of Wyoming. There are plenty of mail boxes for sale.

Or feel free to join the gang at 1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington, Delaware. Home to over 6,500 corporations, and more than 200,000 businesses. Vice-president Joe Biden, a former senator for Delaware (The Loophole State) received more than $1m in donations from law firms with offices in Delaware between 2002 and 2008, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

In Tax-Dodge City, USA, the slogan is “yes we can” save you on taxes…

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Image: cbenjasuwan /