LIVE STREAMING The Great American Eclipse.

1. NASA Live Coverage: Eclipse2017
Coverage Duration: 12pm – 4pm EDT


3. Timeanddate: LIVE Stream
Coming up: Great American Eclipse LIVE


Interactive Map

Find out how long it will last in your neighborhood: Map


Total Eclipse Visible Across 14 States

[Wikipedia] — On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse can be seen in the United States, approximately 70 miles wide.

The total eclipse will be visible crossing fourteen states: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Demand For Potties

One of the things in great demand during the eclipse is…a toilet. Demand for toilets is ‘astronomical’…

Back To The ‘Carbondale’ Thing

There’s the Spooky Eclipse Theory In Southern Illinois, with Carbondale being the focus. What?