Living On The Digital Edge ▲


RCA Switcher 8-In-1-Out Composite Box Let’s say that you have something like a Roku box hooked up to your television, and you want to add another device such as a DVD player. Suppose you would prefer the convenience of a switch or a button, instead of plugging and unplugging the wires every time you change […]

Morse Code By Sound

International Morse Code 1. The length of a dot is one unit. 2. A dash is three units. 3. The space between parts of the same letter is one unit. 4. The space between letters is three units. 5. The space between words is seven units. 6. Di is for dot and dah is for […]

The 80 Meter Cobra Antenna

The Cobra Antenna Is A Folded Dipole The original Cobra antenna was designed by W4JOH and it’s still being used in the amateur radio cosmopolitan universe. The 80 meter version is considered the standard, simply because it covers nearly all of the bands, and it covers them well. Pertaining to the uber popular 80 meter […]

The iRobot Roomba 650 Vacuum Cleaning Robot for Pets is a great product, because it cleans thoroughly, with a push of a button. The problem is that it will leave marks on the furniture and the walls. I found a tape that prevents this. The solution: Frost King R734H Sponge Rubber Foam Tape 3/4″ W […]

Streaming internet television is fast becoming the rage and the data is there to prove it. Cable subscriptions are declining rapidly to a point of no return. This should be of no surprise to anyone with a pulse. Cable prices have skyrocketed, programming stinks to high heaven, there are a zillion irrelevant commercials, their rigid […]

Let’s get back to the basics. A laptop bag on your bare shoulder… Do you own a laptop or one of those fancy computer tablets? Are you tired of lugging the device around with no handle to hang on? I’m with you. For the money you paid you don’t want to break the glass. Yes, […]

After being frustrated with the overpriced little cans of compressed air, I decided that I needed something better to clean my computer. I just couldn’t see buying those little cans over and over, especially because they seemed inefficient to begin with. I thought about getting a small electric air compressor to blow the dust off. […]

Where are those reptilian shape-shifters that predicted that an asteroid would hit the earth in September of 2015? I hate to break it to you naysayers of doom, but you were wrong once again! Confess and admit your guilt megalomaniacs! Where are those aliens that were to infiltrate my back yard? I’m not feeling the […]

Are you away from your PC at the moment and expecting a very important message from someone? Did you know that you can receive a sound notification on Facebook everytime someone sends you a message? You can hear a ping when you receive Facebook messages. How To Set It Up 1. ▾ (rightside of menu […]

Contaminated water with a certain type of bacteria is the cause of Legionnaires’ disease and is commonly found near cooler towers. There is not much clarity concerning the disease, and Wet Surface Cooling Towers (WSAC) are a big part of the equation. Sensationalism is a tool sometimes overscored by the media, often inducing a sort […]

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