Press Freedom In Venezuela Is Under Attack

Guillermo Zuloaga, owner of Globovision TV, has fled Venezuela because of persecution by President Hugo Chavez. Globovision has been heavily criticized by Chavez and his government before, accusing the channel of manipulating information.

Zuloaga and one of his sons had warrants issued against them in June. Security police forces in Venezuela could not find him. After going into hiding for weeks, Zuloaga showed up in Washington, D.C.

He has presented his case to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). The president of Globovision is challenging the president of Venezuela to prove the crimes that he is being charged of.

Guillermo Zuloaga has criticized Chavez harshly, saying that Venezuela is a country that the gross domestic product has been declining steadily for several years now ( About 30% of the population of the country live on less than $2 per day.

The economy is largely based on petroleum.

In the slums of Venezuela, Chavez and his revolution is losing support. The nation has one of the worst murder rates in the world, 31.6 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

Chavez has warned Globovision that it could be stripped of its broadcast frequency and could be convicted by a criminal prosecution.

In August of 2009, the pro-Chávez party (UPV) attacked the headquarters of Globovisión. They fired tear gas into the building. No one was charged.

Earlier this year: Washington, D.C., March 25, 2010 – IACHR REPUDIATES ARREST OF GUILLERMO ZULOAGA IN VENEZUELA …