The Disappearing Male

I remember a friend asking me years ago as we were riding down the boulevard, “Does it seem like there are way more females than males on the roads these days?” It may have sounded like a strange observation, but it wasn’t after all. I’ve never forgotten that comment. Are there less males in the world today than there used to be? Is there scientific evidence to support this?

There are growing concerns about Bisphenol A, a chemical used to manufacture hard plastic containers, such as baby bottles, reusable plastic cups, and the lining of metal food and beverage cans, including canned liquid infant formula.

Bisphenol A has been used to make plastic for more than 50 years. Its most common form is used in polycarbonate plastics, which include: baby and water bottles, sports equipment, medical and dental devices, dental fillings and sealants, eyeglass lenses, CDs and DVDs, and household electronics.

Are synthetic chemicals starting to have an effect on male hormone development? Over 90,000 compounds are being made and most of them have never been tested. A vast amount of these chemicals are far more damaging to boys than girls, the experts are reporting.

Are the boys disappearing?