Best And Worst States For Business

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Starting a business? Has the thought entertained your business acumen? Think you have great entreprenuerial skills? Have a great idea?

Where are you going to start your business? Are there advantages when it comes to location? Are some states more business friendly?

Source:  Chief Executive Officer
Best States For Business
2. North Carolina
3. Florida
4. Georgia
5. Tenneseee

Worst States For Business
1. California
2. New York
3. Michigan
4. New Jersey
5. Massachusetts

According to a recent survey by CEO magazine, Texas has ranked #1 for the last four years, and California has been the worst. The best and worst states, have pretty much remained the same for the past four years. Interesting.

This was the fifth survey of this type held by CEO. What the evaluation was based on: resources, regulation, tax policies, education, quality of living and infrastructure. Evaluations were also graded on: taxation and regulation, workforce quality, and living environment.

According to the article, the problems that haunted the worst states were high business taxes, strict regulations, strong unionized labor forces, and high unemployment rates.

Demographics and having low taxes seem to be the greatest advantages possessed by the winners.

JP Donlon, Editor-in-Chief of CEO asserts:

“As the nation’s economic problems continue to snowball and an increasing number of states experience budgetary problems, state governments ought to take a hard look at their taxation and unionization policies if they want to turn the page and attract new businesses and capital to their provinces.”