There Comes A Time When We Must Make A Stand. And My Time Is Now.


Ann Minch of California gives her opinion and some advice:

For 14 years I’ve been a Bank of America customer. I wasn’t over the limit, nor behind in payments. In fact, my credit is good, and even though I’ve been laid off, I’ve had no trouble paying my bills.

Recently, Bank of America jacked up my interest rate on the credit card to a whopping 30% ! I could get a better rate from a loan shark.

I did call Bank of America, and they weren’t willing to negotiate anything.

Well, I’ve thought about it. And now I have a message to Bank of America, and to all the big banks that are robbing our current middle class citizens, and robbing our children and grandchildren, of any hope of a middle class standard of living in their future. So here goes…

You can ruin my credit, but the banks aren’t loaning money anyway. So, the way I figure it, I’ve got nothing to lose. So stick that in your bailout pipe and smoke it!