The Latest Buzz In The Toys Aisle

The latest buzz in the toys aisle is Zhu Zhu Pets. Everybody’s going ga ga over these cute little fir balls of joy that zoom past your dog, and starts a Saturday morning riot! Imagine the pet cat chasing Pipsqueak…

If your son or daughter would like a hamster, or rodent looking animal, and you would rather buy batteries than chase live rodents, the Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster Pipsqueek – Yellow might be the battery monster to add to the collection.

What age group to buy? What about 99 years and younger? The Zhu Zhu pets can be described as adorable, entertaining, amusing, fun, and are featured in different colors.

And get the charming names: Pipsqueek, Num Nums, Chunk, and Mr. Squiggles.

But beware! Your lively daughter might just toss Mr. Squiggles down the heating vent! So be sure to keep Mr. Squiggly away from the ductwork. Also, keep Mr. Squiggles away from her long hair.

Zhu Zhu is a great toy for the little ones. Of course Mommy would rather have a real live cat running around…