Conan Is Now Star Of… Twitter

Conan O’Brien tells CBS longtime correspondent Steve Kroft about his Twitter debut: “It’s technically not a performance and it really appeals to the comedy writer part of my brain. You’re limited to 140 characters. So, if you wanna say something funny, you really… it’s a great editing tool. It forces you to just write these little nuggets. And the good ones get retweeted and that’s how you grow.” (YouTube Extra: Conan O’Brien Twitter Video)

“So now I’m one of those people that tweets – Hey I just had an awesome ham sandwich! I’m actually trying to think of something funny, and sometimes I spend a long time thinking of a Tweet. My wife will say – you’re an idiot. No one else is working on their Tweet this hard.”

“Mostly I write these Tweets, for better or worst. I write these Tweets. That’s what it’s come to. I was the host of Tonight Show. Now I write Tweets.  Yeah. ”

Conan O’Brien Bio:  I had a show. Then I had a different show. Now I have a Twitter account.