The Blue Yeti is the perfect solution for the ultimate studio system. For computer recording and podcasting, this is a beast. The price is competitive with other USB microphones. The sound quality of the Yeti beats the others hands down. This is the perfect desktop microphone.
However, there’s word going around that the legendary Blue Yeti has a mic problem. More specifically, Windows 7 will not recognize the Blue Yeti.
I’m no sound engineer, but I’ve tinkered with consumer electronics for years now. I have friends that call themselves voodoo audio gurus. They’ve tried nearly everything.
I personally know that Windows 7 has issues with some audio gear. Windows XP was more audio friendly to be sure.
I believe the Blue Yeti is one of the best sounding microphones available. The sound is pronounced, rich, crisp, and vibrant. The audio is very pleasant and the Yeti looks very professional I might add. It has presence.
Getting back to the audio issue. I would suggest hooking the Blue Yeti microphone up to a mixer — one like the Behringer Xenyx 802 Premium 8-Input 2-Bus Mixer with Xenyx Mic Preamps and British EQs. The Behringer mixer is very versatile and is designed to solve these types of issues. And there are better mixers available, but the prices are going to be higher. Another suggestion would be something called a preamp
. This would be a good alternative as well.
Another suggestion — try a better cable than the one came with the mic. It’s common to get inferior cables when buying audio gear. There are better cables out there.
Have you tried the Blue Yeti microphone? Do you have any alternative solutions or ideas? What audio rat gear are you using? Please share your knowledge with the rest of us.
One Response
Wireless Headset For Skype Users | KI4KQD BLOGGER
June 19th, 2012 at 12:49 pm
1[…] microphone quality on this headset is just unbelievable. I’ve heard this mic compared to the Blue Yeti (a nice stand-up computer mic), and I was impressed with the sound. It is very bold and clear. […]
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