I was monitoring my station when I heard a Peaberry SDR Transceiver Kit (an HF transceiver for Software Defined Radio) on the air, and I was impressed with the transmit quality. The ham operator said he was doing QRP and he said he was using only 1 watt! Impressive for sure, considering that the propagation was not in good shape on 40 meters at all that day. Hams call it squirrely conditions.

According to AE9RB‘s website: “An HF transceiver kit for Software Defined Radio. The Peaberry SDR is the first and only do-it-yourself transceiver that doesn’t require adding sound cards to your computer.”

You have several options — “You choose to build it for the 160m, 80m/40m, 40m/30m/20m or 30m/20m/17m bands. All kits include parts for all bands so you do not need to decide until you are ready to start building.”

Here’s a video (w4djw) with activity on 80 and 40 meters on the SoftRock. I love the content of the discussion.

Here’s another video with the Peaberry V1.

Who says amateur radio isn’t an interesting hobby.