The GOP Must Deal With Their Mea Maxima Culpa

Republicans reacquired seats only because of a heightened distrust with Obama and his closest allies. Americans had enough of big government shoving more legislation down their throats. Somebody had to pay. Democrats got a major “shellacking” and lost control of the House. There hadn’t been a greater turnover in seventy years.

There was a disconnect with President Obama and his leave-no-trails-behind-us policies. Although corporations and their white shoe boys get you elected as president, the will of the people will not be ignored. Especially during a crisis.

While Obama rallied across the nation with the glitterati, he but almost forgot that Americans were not interested in his point and shoot match. Hardworking people in America were and still are facing a thrashing of their own.

Americans are working harder, bringing home less money, facing greater competition, and are viewing a darker economic sky than their parents had to. Americans are in no mood for defective matters of state. Americans elect politicians to solve problems and they do not intend to get caught up in the restraints of a political face off.

And now Representative Paul Ryan has the audacity to ask of our senior citizens to auction their healthcare as sheep going to slaughter. This half-baked notion of railroading citizens into a medical holocaust will be a no-go to say the least. An already malnourished society approached the idea of importing French guillotines, because of discontent with Congress before the Mediscare Plan unraveled its ugly head. Republicans not only missed the bus, they threw themselves under the bus this go around. Ryan’s image is plastered all over that bus.

The recent assassination of Osama bin Laden didn’t hurt the approval ratings of the current president either. Obama knows that the economy is the biggest determinant in Election 2012, and that’s why diversions are important to distract a dissatisfied public. Medicare could be the parting (partisan) shot.

Ryan and the Young Guns have socially engineered a roadmap to challenge the Democrats with a battle cry. But where is the morality? Should the poor and senior citizens be spared the decency of basic healthcare? Must we adulterate politics with impunity?

Even a flood of tears that would flow down the face of John Boehner will not assuage the growing hostility of a people that has nearly lost everything in the quagmire. Everyday citizens sacrifice daily in a war of uncertainty that is oftentimes unobserved by the upper crust. Tyrannic austerity measures do not need to be imposed or forced upon a strapped society.

The good people of Wisconsin are not attaching any weight to this grotesque ideology which declares that the middle class must own a certificate, a voucher, a yellow badge or a yellow patch to enter the all-inclusive cosmos of healthcare. Albeit, which should be rendered to blue blood only.

Republicans have second great idea called the McCaskill-Corker spending cap. This insane idea will get the same results – make instinct Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Which plan do you like best?

Here’s a plan for the Republicans and the Democrats. It’s called Medicare. Now, leave it alone. Period. Consequence: A maturing conviction of an anti-incumbent dynamism.

So goodbye, goodbye and good luck.