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Spreading Democracy With Active Denial

Portable Pain Beam Weapons Coming To A City Near You President Obama speaks these words of democracy: “The Iranian people have a universal right to assembly and free speech.” Other so-called world leaders echo the same gestures. Is this democracy or hypocrisy? One way of spreading democracy is with the Active Denial System. Doesn’t this phrase […]

Iran Has Captured US Drone

Obama Begs Iranian Officials to Give Him The Toy Plane An RQ-170 Sentinel went down in eastern Iran near the end of last year.  The Iranian government has stated that it will not return the drone to U.S. authorities. Iranian TV has video footage of the drone in captivity. On December 4, 2011, reports stated that the Iranian Army’s […]

The Smart Room

Amazing future tech for “smart homes” Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Imagine living a futuristic world, one in which there will be a “smart room”, where friends will gather and socialize. Is this technology already available? Your party could possibly videophone, watch video songs, watch movies, and much more. Instead of having very dull conventional […]

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