Kill A Watt

Kill A Watt MonitorSaving electricity has energized much conversation recently. Just how can I save on my electric bill? What can I do?

First of all, we must become watt literate. It is imperative that we understand how much power  each device uses. The maufacturers give us an estimate. We need to be precise about power consumption. A product is often marketed without power usage in mind.

Then the plug or unplug issue. Is it really worth unplugging all these cords everywhere? Isn’t there something on the market that will detect the power usage for me?

P3 International P4400 Kill A WATT Electricity Load Meter and Monitor

The Kill-A-Watt provides an accurate reading on any gadget or appliance that uses 110 electricity. It will not work on 220. The large LCD gives you a reading in volts, amps, watts, and kilowatt hours.

Calculate your electricity costs with the Kill-A-Watt. Monitor all your gadgets and appliances to see if they are working properly. One can check and see just how much power consumption any device uses.

P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage MonitorP3 International P4400 Kill A Watt
Finally a device to monitor power consumption of any gadget. Assess while the gadget is on or off.

The KILL A WATT MONITOR  is perfect for energy conscious consumers that want to watch the watts. Reducing electricity bills is the ultimate goal.