Regular TV Holding For Now

It all depends on which survey that you look at. A recent Nielsen report shows that traditional television viewing is holding steady ground  in the United States.

A recent BBC survey suggests that that people are starting to watch less TV, as the online video boom grows. About 43% of the people were watching more video on the internet and mobiles, and less TV. But, these people were the minority compared to the overall population in the U.K.

At least two-thirds of people didn’t watch videos on the internet at all in the U.K. Age was definitely a factor; the younger audience is more internet friendly.

Americans seem to be watching TV on a regular basis. The economy may be the reason. Many are cutting back on packages in order to save money.

But here is what is conclusive. Consumers are watching more of what they want, and when they want. The market is evolving and people are embracing more options.

It is doubtful that traditional television will ever go away. But even though studies suggest otherwise, the trends are bound to change.

More variety can be found online, at a much cheaper price. While cable and satellite may accomodate many channels, the programming often offers too little content, with far too many commercials. The excessively high priced packages offered are not flexible at all. They are  designed to generate super-colossal profits with little consumer satisfaction in mind.

There is strong indication that the next generation TV viewers are completely abandoning regular TV. Who knows? The next wave of viewers may just hook up their computers to a large screen HD TV–with a cable and an adapter…