The Culture Of Collectivism 

Comrades in arms, the time is rife. Our 1984 has passed, but is now ready for arrival. We must fully embrace Big Brother, because, as we well know, he (government) knows what is best for us all.

Since our society is purely altruistic, we share in the commitment that the deliberate interest of others is always beneficial. Even though our forefathers believed in individualism, they were probably aware that collectivism would eventually dominate. The Orwellian future is now!

We should acknowledge that collectivism is a term used to describe the outlook that stresses human interdependence and the importance of a collective society.

The importance of separate individuals is no longer necessary in our current society, and this example should always be taught at our schools across the nation.

Our new society will be (is) based on the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles. Of course, the leader of this triangle will be Big Brother, for he is our hero and we must learn to love (worship) him.

The Inner Party should consist of the most wealthiest of society (2%), the Outer Party should consist of a make believe entity (sometimes referred to as Congress, lobbyists, and locals), and the remaining base of society (85% that have little money and absolutely no say) called the Proles (working class).

Publicly, we shall preach this document called the Constitution. Behind the curtains, we shall firmly enforce what we already know to be in full effect –Big Brother is in total control at all times.

Demonstration groups, and all acts of defiance, will be tolerated in public, for the time being. These thoughtcrimes should not be taken seriously.

We shall also agree to allow Big Brother to watch us with electronic devices, such as red light cameras. More control of the people will follow, but do not be alarmed, we must think of the many, and not the individual…

This is what is beautiful; we now have at our disposal the technology to assist Big Brother.

Newspeak:Minitrue (Ministry of Truth, or commonly called the media) will supply us with further details of controlled information (propaganda).

And remember, Big Brother is always watching. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength…