Leaked: Pay-by-the-mile-tax

You have had enough of the Wall Strret fat cats and you’ve had it with the oil speculators. Right? What better way to beat them than by going out and buying yourself a new electric car. It requires no gas and this frees you from those money addicts. Right?

The feds now have a dilemma. Higher gas prices means that people will drive less. It also makes it more complicated when the feds try to collect federal taxes on gas by the gallon. However, money is needed to repair and build new roads. Where now will the funding come from?

The report is out. Obama has a plan. Obama wants you to buy the new electric car, but he wants to put a GPS tracking device on the car and charge you by the mile.

Thank goodness that bill never got started in the administration. But it gave the feds some ideas. The feds may someday propose another bill that would ask drivers to pay mileage-based fees on vehicles. Now that’s a great idea. Don’t you think?

I’ve got a better plan. Why don’t we put a GPS tracking device on the jets that Obama and his First Lady travel by around the globe. They should be taxed for vacations, hobnobbing, and running to California to keep in good with those precious electives that will help get Obama reelected.

And since you and I can’t afford a vacation, Obama should be taxed every time he flies to Hawaii. His associates should be tracked and the money they have spent traveling abroad should be published monthly.

And maybe while we’re at it we might consider something else. Those bombs we are dropping on Libya. Just how much are we paying for those? Shouldn’t that be published?

You see it is hypocrisy to blame deficits and rail on hard working folks when you are burning huge sums of money out the tail end of your personal jet and limousine. Why doesn’t Obama and his associates consider tracking themselves with GPS devices?