Women Using Facebook To Boost Self-Esteem

The social networking website Facebook has attained popularity status that most web developers only dream about. Facebook is incredibly popular with women. What are the reasons for this?

A new study published in a journal (Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking) from the University at Buffalo, by researcher Michael A. Stefanone, examined the issue further. Stefone and his associates studied the behavior of men, and especially women using social networks.

What Dr. Stefone claims is that men and women base their self worth for different reasons. While men base theirs on self achievement, women base theirs on physical appearance particularly. What do you base your self worth on?

The study at UB found out that were gender differences in terms of attention seeking found online, as well as other factors. One thing that is probably no surprise is that women are much more sociable than men and seek attention more often. Here are a few things discovered in the study:

Study Finds
1. Women spend more time online.
2. Women have larger social networks.
3. Women share photos 5 times more than men.
4. Women put much more emphasis of self worth on physical appearance.
5. Women are more prone to compete for attention.
6. Women use Facebook as way of boosting the self ego.
7. Women identify with their self image more than men.

So it stands to reason that Facebook is dominated by the female gender. Females use networks to make social connections and men use networks to increase their status and seek information.

Women use Facebook to make themselves look their best. Everyone wants to exhibit a positive view to the public. Public image is very important to most of us. Face it.

Here are some more interesting stats regarding women and Facebook if you’re interested.

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Image: adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net