Facebook Chat, Ειδοποιήσεις, Messaging, δεν λειτουργεί

I’m Using Google Chrome Browser
Nothing on the chat box is working at all. The notification lights at the top will not respond when I click them. I tried to send a friend request and this isn’t working. What is wrong with this thing? I am very frustrated.

If you are using Google Chrome here is what you should try. I tried this and it worked like a charm. Everything worked fine after doing this procedure.

You have to clear the cache and the cookies.

1. Go to to Chrome Options.
2. Under The Hood.
3. Clear Browsing Data. Checkmark the following:

A. Clear browsing history
B. Clear download history
C. Empty the cache.
D. Delete cookies and other site plug-in-data.

After checkmarking the above you click the clear browsing data button and you should be finished. Then just cancel out everything. Hope this helps.

Note: Sometimes Facebook Chat decides to quit working. Check to see if other users are having the same issue. This problem usually works itself out on its own. Be patient.