With OpenWatch You Can Spy On The Cops

About the OpenWatch Project from OpenWatch on Vimeo.

You feel that local police in your hood are too violent and too aggressive? You need an app to spy on them? No sweat, SuperHacker Rich Jones has got you covered with that.

If the local bullying neighorhood cop is engaging in his typical abusive style or you happen to have a corrupt politician that’s behaving badly, here’s what you can do. Go to OpenWatch and download the CopRecorder App.

OpenWatch is a participatory citizen media project which uses mobile technology to enable public monitoring of authority figures.

Rich Jones gives superb instructions in the video to guide you in your future endeavor.

A word of caution. Recording a cop may be illegal in some states (Massachusetts and Illinois). Hard to imagine but it could be possible. See if your state is record-a-cop friendly.

It’s called scientific journalism. Let’s keep government honest. Shall we?

Oh, and Jones will post your audio recording if you submit it and he agrees to it.