Is WikiLeaks Just Another Fog Bank?

It seems like there’s been a major focus on leaks and whistleblowers in the year of 2011. After watching the disturbing video called Collateral Murder, one could surely be taken aback, even nauseated maybe. Some things we see in the news leaves us thinking.

There’s the WikiLeaks issue, a mysterious man (Julian Assange) that appears out of thin air and claims to have gotten cables from secured documents. Not just little secrets either. Big ones that could damage reputations and possibly endanger lives. Those clandestine whistleblowers! How do they get away with it all?

The press coverage of WikiLeaks has become quite substantial. Don’t you think?

But overall it hasn’t been a good year for whistleblowers. One could even argue that the Obama administration is very tough on whistleblowers. Take for instance, the Thomas Drake case. Make a note, the court will take into account if you accept responsibility for whistleblowing. If you’re going to be a whistleblower, please do it responsibly…

What’s remarkable is that you have whistleblowers covering whistleblowers.

Even more so, it’s astonishingly strange that prior to the launching of the project, mainstream media had contacted WikiLeaks. Wait just a minute there. I thought that WikiLeaks was doing the job that mainstream media wasn’t covering properly. Am I being baited? Hook, line, and sinker?

As the extremely talented researcher Michel Chossudovsky writes, “But there is more than meets the eye.” So what’s the deal here? Is WikiLeaks no more than a coverup of a coverup? A masquerade? Deceptive marketing?

It appears that the WikiLeaks organization was not so randomly put together as we once established. They were recruiting for a staff and secure funding from whom? Corporations? Tax-exempt charitable organizations? That sounds kind of fishy to me.

So maybe WikiLeaks is not an alternative source to the media. “The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel are directly involved in the editing and selection of leaked documents. The London Economist has also played an important role.”

Are we fighting disinformation with more disinformation? Is this more of a  fog bank created by the elitists?

Are there more dark secrets that are being kept hidden from the public?