Want to stay in touch with friends and family combining your HDTV with cutting technology? This gadget called Tely Labs telyHD will give you the capability of video calling on your HDTV via Skype.

TelyHD is a bit pricey, however, it could save you on cell phone bills in the long run. Just consider this — you could be talking to business associates or clients via Skype. Setup is that easy and the quality is outstanding. Another bonus is that you get no monthly fees with this package.

Here is what you need to get started: a broadband connection and an HDTV port, which most HDTV’s are already equipped with. Everything else is included in the box. Well, except for the physical hugs. But at least you can see and hear your guests like never before, in HDTV of course.

For just over 200 dollars, you could become part of a technological revolution. No need to rush out and hunt for webcams, microphones, and other supplies to get the job done. This Skype application uses Android for the operating system.

Again, basically all you need is broadband, a nice HDTV, and Skype. If you’re somewhat familiar with Skype you are one step ahead of the curve.

Video calling has never been so accessible. Share those special moments using telyHD . You’ll be happy that you did.