Worst FoodsPsycheTruth

1. Soda Type Soft Drinks
2. Doughnuts
3. French Fries
4. Hot Dogs and Lunch Meat
5. Potato Chips
6. Store Bought Baked Goodies
7. Fast Food Hamburgers
8. Bacon
9. Canned Soup
10. Fried Catfish

Best FoodsPsycheTruth

1. Sprouted Grain Breads — The Facts
2. Quinoa — Grain from Peru called — Quinoa
3. Leafy Greens — Spinach, Kale
4. Alaskan Salmon or Wild Salmon, Not Contained Raised
5. Extra Virgin Oils — Coconut Oil, Olive Oil
6. Almonds And Walnuts
7. SmartWater — Smartwater Electrolyte Enhanced Water, Glaceau Vitamin Water
8. Goat’s Milk
9. Fermented Drinks — Natural Ginger Ale, Kombucha Tea
10. Eggs