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The Extended Double Zepp (EDZ) Antenna 20 Meters Leg: 44 feet          Leg: 44 feet [————————————]       [————————————] |       | |       | |       | |       | Stub: 9 feet 6 inches (450 Ohm Ladder Line) |      | |      | |      | Coax to transmitter (50 Ohm any length) It’s Time To Install The 20 Meter EDZ […]

Solar cycle 24 began on January 4, 2008 and so far has been the smallest sunspot cycle since 1904. Solar cycle 24 “is on track to be the Solar Cycle with the lowest recorded sunspot activity since accurate records began in 1750.” Solar cycles supposedly have a duration of about 11 years. “In radio communication, […]

Relax. You can run Windows XP forever, even if you have upgraded your OS software, and that includes the Linux crowd. Believe it or not, some programs still run on Windows XP. No problem. You can run Windows XP applications on Windows 7 or Windows 8 PCs or even Linux machines. Is there software that […]

If the poorly designed lamp goes bad, all it not lost my friend. Unplug the lamp first. The lampshade has plastic material that will easily peel off if you try. Try using a pair of hand pruners and maybe a pair of needle-nosed pliars. You’ll find some wire in there. Believe it or not, you […]

Microphone Shootout: Electro-Voice RE27 VS Transcontinental Studios Pro The name of this new microphone is what? The Transcontinental Studios Pro Vocal Microphone is sold at Amazon.com and the price is very affordable. Maybe I’m missing something, but I believe this is a dynamic microphone. There is plenty of discussion about this new mic and I […]

Remote Transceiver Controlled By Cell Phone If a remote control station is desired and one has the financial resources available, the technology is there to choose from. With a typical handheld device such as the HT, cell phone, laptop, or tablet, a station can be routinely accessed with a touch of a button. A PC […]

How To Make A 600-Meter Dipole

Will amateur radio operators in the U.S. get to use the newest frequency band allocated, which is the 600-meter band, also known as the 630 meters? This is a new arena for hams, being in that the band is in the Medium Frequency (MF) region. So how do I make the 600 meter dipole? Ham […]

Software Defined Radio Tutorial For The Beginner This DVB-T dongle will turn a computer into an electronic listening device, which is basically a police scanner radio but even more. This may be the most fun a techie could have on the cheap! The NooElec TV28T v2 USB DVB-T & RTL-SDR Receiver R820T is the ticket […]

Build Your Own Ladder Line

Some ham radio operators use ladder line to feed their antennas and they firmly believe in it. The latest debate is 450 ohm ladder line versus 600 ohm ladder line. If you decide to build your own, it is a snap with these sturdy Ladder Snaps.

Behringer 802 Setup for Kenwood 570

Here are the Behringer 802 settings with Kenwood 570 HF radio, because I keep forgetting them. I am using the Marshall MXL 990 condenser microphone and the Kenwood radio is set on vox, (a PTT switch was later acquired). Access through the front of the transceiver is available, but better performance can be achieved by […]

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