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More Americans Using Internet More Often

Internet Trends And Groups Broadband Usage: Got broadband? A Pew survey found that 57% to 60% urban/suburban dwellers have broadband. Compare that to 38% of rural dwellers with broadband. Gallup Poll’s Internet Usage By Groups: 1.  Post-Grads – 68% 2.  $75,000 or more – 63% 3.  Ages 18 to 29 – 62% 4.  Ages 30 […]

Tesla’s Thoughts About The Future It has been said often — that every time we turn a light switch on, or any electrical appliance, it is Nikola Tesla that we owe gratitude for his contributions to society. While this is yet true, I am in awe of his incredible vision of the future, and how frustrating it must have […]

Component Cost And Retail Cost

Component Cost: Profit And Loss How much does it cost to make those heavily sought after consumer electronics gadgets? How much do big companies actually profit from a particular product? Profit Analysis: What the company is making or losing… Apple iPhone 3GS / + $19.84 Palm Pre / + $62.16 Amazon Kindle 2 / + […]

Galileo's Telescope In Philadelphia

Galileo Galilei: The Father Of Astronomy Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) is a very prominent name that you may of heard of in Science class. Galileo is most memorable in the field of astronomy, although he did play other roles in science. He played a major role in the Science Revolution. Galileo’s major achievements include: improving the […]

Nicolaus Copernicus And Heliocentrism

The Man That Started The Science Revolution It was Nicolaus Copernicus  (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) that challenged the intellectuals of the day. Copernicus started the Scientific Revolution, when he formed the heliocentric hypothesis. The universities taught that, the universe as they knew it, was centered around the earth. Of course, now we know that […]

Online Crime Hits Record High

Internet Fraud Increases In 2008 The 2008 Annual Report submitted by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), stated that online crime hit a record high in the year of 2008. There was a 33.1% increase over the previous year in 2007. The dollars lossed amounted to $265 million, with 275,284 complaints being filed. “While the […]

The Twitter Craze: Not Buying Into It

Psychological Disorders Affecting Bloggers And Social Media Addicts Twitter. A term that keeps buzzing around in my head. Somebody help me. I can’t escape the macabre. It’s ubiquitous. No, not really into the Social Media extravaganza, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But, unlike a lot of other Twitter Junkies, I don’t want to be sucked […]

Is Skype On iPhone Bad For AT&T?

Skype On Telephony It’s now official. You can use Skype on your iPhone. This began Tuesday, March 31, 2009. This is the latest buzz. And it’s red hot! One choice is to download fring to your mobile, and then you are in business. You get: free talk, live chat, and interaction. This is via Wi-Fi. “Using […]

The Latest Cyber Threat

Identifying The Vicious Thundercloud PC security is becoming a major problem with Microsoft users. Keeping updated and keeping the guard up is mandatory with users. Naivete can cost you big money in the computing world. The latest threat — Conficker, a.k.a. as Downup, Downadup, and Kido. This worm is supposedly very advanced. Unlike viruses, worms […]

Voices Of American Presidents

From Phonograph To Radio And Television 23  Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) is the first president to be captured on audio. The president was recorded after his presidency was over. He was the first president to have electricity at the White House. 22 and 24  Grover Cleveland  (1885-1889, 1893-1897) is the first president to be caught on […]

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